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Auto Services & Beyond

At the core, POZ Impact is about educating and helping the financially disadvantaged where there is a higher risk of HIV transmission. We want to help these communities see the value in regular HIV testing, knowing your status, and maintaining good health & sexual wellness no matter your status. But these topics can be difficult to initiate in many communities due to stigmas attached to HIV that have branded any mention of it as something taboo. That's why we like to get to know the communities in more ways than just the one. By offering discounted auto repair and maintenance services, community classes and projects, and events open to the public, we hope to establish a trust with those in our communities around Houston that shows them that when we want to share information about HIV, it's because we care about them.


One could even go so far as to when it comes to POZ Impact's approach to raising HIV awareness,

we're a nonprofit that's traded in our soapbox for a toolbox.

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Free HIV Testing

Our on-site staff will safely and discreetly perform a fast HIV test in our ground level facility where an on-site counselor will be available for you to speak to if necessary or if you'd simply like to learn more about protecting yourself from transmission or how to proceed after diagnosis to ensure you and your partner(s) lead happy, healthy lives. POZ impact will protect your information and identity in compliance with HIPAA so you can learn all you need to know live happier, breathe a little easier, and see the world more POZ-itively.


Whether you're a small business owner, creative artist, entrepreneur, or something in between, POZ Impact wants to provide you with the tools you need to be successful. One of the most essential of those tools is the space in which you can use all your other tools effectively. That's why we plan to offer low-income communities shared workspaces and multipurpose presentations spaces free of discrimination and sexual harassment where you can meet like-minded people from right here in Houston. 

Classes & Events

And what would be the use in having all these spaces if we were trying to keep them filled and in use?  POZ Impact is opening up these spaces throughout the week and on weekends for our community members to teach and attend on any number of topics. These could include resume-boosting skills to just learning to boost your resume and more. Social clubs, special events, and more can find space at reduced prices to help them share their work, their knowledge, and their dreams. 

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